

There’s an old saying, “A burden shared is half the burden, a joy shared is twice the joy.”  So, why do life alone?  We have small groups that meet onsite, on Zoom and in homes across the region.  There’s one that’s right for you! 

Current Small Group Series

Current Small Group Series

Discipling: A Call to Follow

Do you sometimes feel something calling you to go deeper?  Do you crave a greater sense of God’s presence and peace?  In Discipling we’ll be learning to develop the practices that will help us get there: prayer, devotional reading, community and a life-long-mission.

Join us for this four-week series that features live & online Wednesdays @ 7pm, starting January 15.

The live presentations will take place in our Main Auditorium and will be streaming on our YouTube channel.

Register for a small group now below!